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尼龙厨具 优质厨房用铲 不黏锅尼龙漏铲 尼龙铲 环保尼龙厨具

2020/9/23 4:44:44发布169次查看
名称 尼龙漏铲slotted spatula材质尼龙环保尼龙,fda检测规格kl-104 性能环保、不黏锅、耐高温210℃无毒、无异味   尼龙漏铲(slotted spatula),通过质量检测,价格合理! 起订量最少1000件,有需求的客户直接联系,我们可以商谈,有现货!我公司主要生产尼龙厨具,产品质量符合欧美标准认证,尼龙厨具五件套是我厂的主打产品!欢迎广大新老客户来电求购!浙江玉环凯莱塑业有限公司,是一家专业生产、加工、销售尼龙厨具、家用产品的企业。
   我公司的主打产品是“kailai”牌尼龙厨具,尼龙饭勺、尼龙漏勺、尼龙粉爪、尼龙汤壳、尼龙漏铲五件套。   公司秉承“质量第一,客户第一”宗旨,诚信至上原则,经营和管理理念与时俱进,公司经过多年的开拓及发展, 在经营管理和产品销售上积累了丰富的经验.如今,在市场经济为导向的驱使下,使产品不断创新, 为了迎合客人的需求.企业拥有先进的设备并结合现代的企业管理模式.使产品远销欧美及东南亚等国家和地区。其可靠的质量、实惠的价格、良好的信誉,深受国内外客商的赞许。   公司竭诚欢迎广大同仁光临指导、洽谈合作,并希望能与广大新老客户长期合作,共同发展,共创辉煌。 nylon manufacture, through authentication, quality guarantee, the fda, reasonable price! at least 1000 pieces, demand the customer contact, we can discuss, a spot!
our company mainly produce nylon kitchen utensils and appliances, products quality and standard authentication, nylon kitchenware five pieces of main products factory is! welcome new and old customers to buy!
    zhejiang yuhuan kailai plastics co., ltd. is a professional production, processing and sales of household products, nylon kitchen utensils.
    my company's main product is "kailai" brand nylon kitchen utensils and appliances, nylon rice ladle, nylon loushao, nylon powder, nylon soup shell, nylon leakage shovel five times.
    companies adhering to the "quality first, customer first" purpose, sincer-ity supreme principle, operation and management idea to keep pace with the times, after years of development and the development, management and product sales has accumulated rich experience in market economy. nowadays, guided by the unceasing innovation, make the product, in order to cater to the customer's needs. enterprise owns advanced equipment and modern enterprise management mode. make products and southeast asia, and other countries and regions. the reliable quality, affordable price, good prestige, deeply domestic and foreign merchants praise.
    company sincerely welcome all friends to visit and cooperate with us and hope that with the vast number of new and old customers to long-term cooperation, common development, create brilliance.


中国 台州


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